Disclaimer: The only characters I own are Umi, Flint, Anne, Makoto, and the gym leaders. Ash and co. belong to Nintendo and 4

kids..blah,blah,blah. So don't sue me!^_^

Author's Notes: Hello! I'm Shana and this is my fanfic. Before you begin I wanted to say that this is my first fanfic. Anyway, the

Poke'mon Haganeiru, Pi, Hapinasu, Piku, Himannattsu, and Usokky are from Poke'mon gold and silver. And now on with the story,

enjoy! ^_- *wink*

Poke'mon: Trainers of the future

Part 1: A new Horizon!

Ash and Misty were married now and had a child. Her name was Umi. She wore a red jacket that was much like her

father's turquoise one, she had two green bows in her hair (One on each side), a black short sleeved shirt that exposed her belly

button, jean shorts, and red sneakers. “Yeah! I'm ten and I can finally get my Poke'mon license!” she exclaimed as she put on

her red gloves. “I'm gonna become a Poke'mon master just like my father!” She packed her backpack and left her room to greet

her parents downstairs. “Goodmorning dear!” said Misty cheerfully. “Are you ready?” “Yeah,” replied Umi. “I'm going to be a

Poke'mon Master just like father!” Misty walked over to Ash and handed him the newspaper. She gave him a quick kiss and

said “Goodmorning Honey!” “Goodmorning my sweet!” was Ash's reply. He took the newspaper from his wife. “Well, I better

get down to Gary's house so I can get my beginner Poke'mon,” said Umi. Her parents kissed her on her cheeks. Ash one side

and Misty the other. “Goodbye,” said her parents. “Goodbye mom, goodbye dad!” yelled Umi as she ran.

Umi ran as fast as she could to reach Gary's house. She was so anxious! As the house appeared over the horizon she

slowed down to catch her breath. “Well, I finally made it,” she said. “Which Poke'mon should I start out with?” As she was

about to knock on the door Gary approached it and opened it. “Hi, I've been expecting you. You're Ash and Misty's child

right?” “Yes,” answered Umi. “And you're Gary, my fathers old rival right?” “Yes, and now it's time to pick a Poke'mon. Which

one will you choose?” “Umm, let's see....*My mother was a water Poke'mon trainer and my father, well...he just collected as

many as he could.* I'll choose Squirtle.” “Squirtle is it? Okay. Here's your license and six poke'balls to start out with.” Gary

handed her the supplies. She gladly took them and said “I'll be on my way now, good-bye!” As she walked down the hall she

passed by Brock's son. Little did she know it was his son. They both stopped for a moment and took a good look at each other.

They then went as they were.


Umi stood waiting against a nearby tree outside. Just then Brock's son came out of the house's front door. He stopped

before Umi. They met each other's gaze. “You're Brock's son aren't you?” asked Umi curious. “Yes, my name is Flint,” replied

Brock's son. “You're Ash and Misty's daughter right?” “Yes, my name is Umi.” *She's kind of cute^_^* thought Flint.

“ you wanna come with me on my journey?” he asked blushing. “I know you're starting yours too and I thought maybe

we should stick together.” “I guess that's okay.” answered Umi slightly blushing. *He's kinda cute. Whatever you do don't

blush.* Flint and Umi walked off together into the forest.

All of a sudden there was a rustle in the bushes. It was a Poke'mon! “It's a Poke'mon!” exclaimed Umi. She pulled out

her poke'dex. “Ratatta,” it began, “This Poke'mon will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more

live in the area.” “I'm going to capture it!” said Umi as she readied her poke'ball. “Poke'ball go!” the capture device shook three

times and finally locked. “Yeah, I caught Ratatta!” exclaimed Umi. She went over to the poke'ball and picked it up. “Don't you

know how to capture a Poke'mon?” asked Flint. “You're supposed to weaken it first. *Just like her father* Here, let me show

you.” Just then another Poke'mon appeared.

Flint reached for one of the Poke'mon on his belt. “Onyx go!” he shouted. The white light materialized into the snake-like

Poke'mon. “Onyx Bide attack on the Pidgey!” Onyx did as told. It wrapped its stone body around the Pidgey. The Pidgey

struggled as best as it could to get free, but it was no use. It finally surrendered. “Poke'ball go!” yelled Flint. The poke'ball shook

three times and locked. He went over to pick it up. “Good job Onyx! Thanks,” he said as he hugged his Poke'mon. He then

called it back. “See, nothing to it. When you battle, your Poke'mon get experience points. When they get to a certain level they'll

evolve, if they have an evolutionary stage that is.” Umi blushed. “I don't really know all that much about Poke'mon. My parents

never had the time to teach me. They were always so busy. Maybe you could.” “Sure.” “Oh, really! That'd be great!” “Yeah.”

And so Flint taught Umi the Poke'mon basics throughout the day. During lessons they caught Poke'mon. By the end of the day

they had already gone through half of Viridian Forest. Altogether, they both had caught at least 12 Poke'mon. (Umi had the same

6 Poke'mon that Flint had.)


Night had fallen. Umi and Flint sat awake in their sleeping bags near the warm, cozy fire. Umi was writing in her diary

while Flint was just thinking to himself. Umi began to write:


Dear Diary,

Umi here. Today I started my Poke'mon journey. I kissed my parents good-bye and went over to Gary's house to get my

beginner Poke'mon. Guess who I met there? Brock's son Flint! Hmm...he asked me to go with him on his journey

because we were both starting ours and he thought we should stick together. I agreed with him. As we traveled on

through the forest Flint taught me some Poke'mon basics and stuff. We both caught 6 Poke'mon! Cool or what? Flint's

really nice.*Teehee* Now we're just sitting by the warm and cozy fire.^_^ I'm writing to you and he's just sitting there.

Probably thinking to himself. Today was a nice day. Well, I gotta hit the sack. Bye friend! Maybe I'll write in you


Flint looked over at Umi. “What are you doing?” he asked curiously. Umi put away her diary and answered “Oh,

nothing. I was just about to hit the sack. We worked hard today, thanks for helping me. I need some rest.” “Get all the rest you

need. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We're heading to...Pewter City.” “Okay, I will.*yawn* Good-night Flint.”

“Good-night Umi. Sweet dreams.” “Uhmm.” They sunk into their sleeping bags. “Hey, Flint?” “What is it Umi?” “Even though

we just met....I feel like I've known you somewhere before.” “Me too.” They fell asleep under the starry night sky.


The next morning Umi woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs and Sausage. She sniffed the air. “Ah, that smells so

good!” she exclaimed. “I guess that must mean you're a good cook. I hope it tastes as good as it smells.” “Good-morning

sleepy-head,” replied Flint. “I made you my special omelet, with some sausage on the side and a glass of orange juice freshly

squeezed.” “Do you mean you found some oranges and squeezed them to make juice for me?” Flint handed Umi her breakfast.

“No,” he replied, “I brought some oranges with me and squeezed them to make orange juice for you.” Umi stuffed her mouth

with Flint's cooking. “Mmmm!” she began, “This taste pretty good! Where'd you learn how to cook so well?” She took a few

gulps of orange juice. “My father's a great cook and he taught me,” answered Flint. “He owns his own restaurant!” “Really?”

“Yeah! Lots of people gather there because they love his cooking.”

“Wow! Are you going to be a cook when you grow up too?” “I don't know, maybe. How about you, what do you

wanna be when you grow up?” “I think I might wanna be...a Poke'nurse and work in my own Poke'center.” “Oh.” “Thanks for

breakfast.” “Yeah.” “Did you have anything to eat?” “No.” “How come? You know that breakfast is the most important meal of

the day, right? You need something in your tummy to keep you going. At least have some orange juice or something.” She went

over to his bag and took out two oranges. She squeezed them in a cup until they made juice and handed it to Flint. “Here,” she

said. He took the cup and quickly gulped down the orange juice.


Umi and Flint traveled through the other half of Viridian Forest. As they journeyed through the forest they battled other

trainers. One began to approach them right now. “They call me Bug Catcher. I wish to battle you both. Do you accept my

challenge?” he asked. “We accept!” exclaimed Flint and Umi in Unison. “I'll battle first.” said Umi. “Pidgey go!” The bird

Poke'mon came out of its poke'ball. Bug Catcher threw his poke'ball. “We'll use one Poke'mon. Weedle, come forth!” he said.

“Weedle poison sting!” Weedle jumped up and aimed at Pidgey with the needle on its head. “Pidgey dodge the attack!” yelled

Umi. “Now, Pidgey, use your gust attack!” Pidgey began to flap its wings and created a powerful gust. “Weedle!” yelled Bug

Catcher worried. “Try to dodge the attack!” Weedle tried but it was no use. Pidgey's gust was so powerful, it sent weedle flying

back to its trainer. It bumped into him and then fell on the ground. “Weedle!” exclaimed Bug Catcher. “Oh, well. Good try.

Return. Pinsir go!”

Flint readied his poke'ball. “It's my turn,” he said. “Onyx go!” Onyx came out of it's poke'ball. “Onyx, rock throw!”

Onyx gathered some rocks and started throwing them on Pinsir. “Pinsir...tackle attack!” Pinsir tackled into Onyx but hit his head.

Bug Catcher ran up to it. “Pinsir? Pinsir! Oh, no!” The bug Poke'mon took a breath. “Pin-sir,” it said, and then fainted. “Yeah,

we did it!” exclaimed Flint and Umi as they high-fived each other. “You guys were great,” said Bug Catcher. “I'm going to train

my Poke'mon harder and catch some new ones. “Winning a battle doesn't only depend on how strong your Poke'mon is,” said

Flint. “Yeah, it also depends on which Poke'mon you use and witch attack they use,” finished Umi. “You should teach Poke'mon

the same attack as their element type for stronger attacks.” “Thanks,” said Bug Catcher. “Well I gotta get my Poke'mon to the

Poke'center.” “Which way are you headed?” asked Flint. “Umm...Pewter City.” “Really?” asked Umi. “We're headed that way

too. Come with us!” “Okay!”

.....And so the trio traveled to Pewter City.

To Be Continued...

I hope you liked the fanfic so far. Get ready to read part 2! Send comments to me at ^_^ Thanks!

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