MISSING YOU (Ash's Story Chapter 2)

Missing You - Ash's Story

note: Please read the story I Love You? for more info on this story. names have been used which

seem to be rumors and names I need to make up(especially the middle names, they're important for

the next few chapters however I need these names). It has been one year since Misty left Ash so

they are Ash-20 and Misty-22.

Chapter Two - Arrival

Ash looked down from the second floor of his house. Since Misty's last letter, he was

looking forward to seeing the mail arrive everyday. He stood on the balcony and watched the sun

uncover from behind the clouds. Small traces of sunlight beamed down onto the earth. The ground absorbed the energy from the sun. As a small system of sprinklers came on that were on mist, a

rainbow formed. Ash looked into it. The rainbow started to change shape, it twisted and turned.

When a small cloud passed the sun and the rays again hit the earth, Misty was in the rainbow.

Ash felt her everywhere, in the trees, in the home, in the breeze, in the water, and in his

heart. He wanted her back badly. He watched as the noon sun spread light accross the land as the

suburb was quieting down. He looked about and saw the mail truck screech to a halt.

"Ash," Carl, the mailman, called, "Mail from you-know-who!"

Ash grabbed the balcony's rail and jumped down and ran as fast as he could.

"Misty coming?" Carl asked.

"Maybe, this letter might say so," Ash explained.

Carl drove off as Ash went inside. Mr. Mime was sweeping everywhere and vacuuming at the

same time. Ash watched as Pikachu walked around to bring some of his cool new flowers for his

small room upstairs. After a few seconds, Pikachu came down the stairs with nothing in hand. Mr.

Mime, however, was not watching where he was vacuuming and sucked up Pikachu.

"PIKA PIKA!!! [HELP HELP!!!]" Pikachu screamed from inside.

"Mister Mime Mime? [Pikachu, are you okay?]" Mr. Mime asked concerned.

Pikachu squrimed out, "Chu, Pikachu, [yeah, be careful]" Pikachu sighed.

He bumped into Ash's leg. He decided he'd go for a free ride to the garden outside.

"Okay, we'll go," Ash said. Ash had finally figured out what Pikachu wanted without him

having to so anything. Something like a friendly bond, like with him and Misty. When they got

outside, Pikachu looked concerned for Ash.

"Pikachu Pika? [What's the matter Ash?]" Pikachu questioned.

"Here read this letter. Wait I'll read it," Ash said. He began reading aloud:

Dear Ash my love,

I'm writing to tell you that I am really coming this time. I leave Saturday the 29th of January,

at 5:30 PM. I plan to be there on Saturday at 9:30 PM February 5. I will be making long stops in

the cities. So I guess maybe I can bring you something on my way there. I love you.

Misty Lynn Waterflower

"Pikachu 'pi chu' pika? [Where did the 'my love' come from?]" Pikachu asked confused.

"Don't know, but she'll be coming soon. It's already Wednesday. So we only have two and half more days left to

think of something to do," Ash turned back to the nice french door. He came back in and looked out the window. Ami

walked up to the front of the house and rang the doorbell. Ash opened the door with a surprised face.

"So, any news on Misty?" Ami beckoned to know.

"Here, read this," Ash told her.

She read it to herself and began to smile. She also looked at Ash who looked as happy as ever.

"So then she's coming. Well, are you going to take me to see her?" She begged.

"Why not? You're her, or our, best friend," Ash spoke. Ami smiled and waved good-bye. Ash started to feel nice

inside. One year. It never crossed his mind today until now. He wondered, though, what was it that Misty wanted to

hear if she was coming back, besides seeing him. He decided to ask around with the people he knew so he started off

the rest of his week for questions.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Pikachu tagged along with Ash on the way to their forst stop, Professor Oak's Lab. As they entered the lab, they

noticed that the area was completely silent. Ash looked from top to bottom; there was no Oak. Suddenly, a gigantic blob

came rushing toward Ash.

"MUK MUK! [HI ASH!]" Ash's Muk growled. Ash hit the floor with a great thud.

"Hi, Muk. Can I get up now?" Muk slided off Ash.

"Muk muk Muk. Mukuk [lookin' for Oak. Outside.]" Muk slid along behind Pikachu.

Ash walked outside onto the training field. He looked everywhere for Oak. In the pond area, the forest, the mountain, and the field. There were no signs of Professor Oak. He looked behind him, Oak was working on his outdoor computer.

Ash fell to the ground in hopelessness.

"Well hello, Ash," Oak greeted.

Ash brushed himself off, "I've been looking for you for the past hour.

"What brings you here?" Oak questioned.

"Misty's coming back and I was wondering if you could give me some advice," Ash explained.

"How about taking her for some dinner when she gets back?" Oak advised.

"Well that's not what I had in mind," Ash said in confusion.

"How about giving back her Togepi?" Oak asked.

"Toge toge pii! [Hewo evwyone!]" It sounded still so young.

"THAT"S GREAT!!!! No wait, that's still not what I had in mind," Ash kept going.

"Well that's all I can give you right now, I'll try and help any way I can, though" Oak waved good bye as Ash walked

back home for dinner.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next few days went by, Thursday then Friday. Finally came Saturday. Ash had already asked lots of people: the

diner owner, his mom and dad, Ami most of all. Saturday morning, after breakfast, Misty's sisters arrived from

Cerulean City: Daisy, being the youngest of the three, Violet, the middle of them, and Lily, the oldest and smartest of

them all. The three brought their suitcases in to the guest room, after stepping on Pikachu's tail when he was holding

the door. Violet and Daisy decided to help Mrs. Ketchum with the chores that day to give Pikachu a day off. Lily and Ash

went off to the metro area to have lunch and talk about Misty's arrival.

"Ash, so you're going to want to pick Misty up with just yourself?" Lily asked.

"No, Ami is coming with me," Ash told her.

"Well how about you just ask her to marry you?" Lily suggested.

"THAT'S IT, NOW I NOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!" Ash screamed. Everyone was staring at him. Ash began to sweat.

Embarrassed, he sat down.

"Well, then get ready you've got... well it's exactly 1:18 PM and 41 seconds. Get going lover boy," Lily coaxed. Ash

ran home, Pikachu running behind him. Lily sat there and decided to take the scenic route home, the one with the mall

along the way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"It's exactly 5:20 PM," Ash said to himself.

"Pika pika Pikachu pika [I'm ready and Togepi's downstairs]" Pikachu announced.

"Okay, here are the keys. Program the car to Ami's house then program it to the airport. You know the ignition code,

right?" Ash asked.

"CHU!! [YUP!!]" Pikachu swiped the keys and ran downstairs. Ash ran seconds behind him.

Ash said good-bye to everyone in the house, hopped inside the car and drove off.

Ash and Ami waited oustide the gate Misty's flight was supposed to land. Ash paced back and forth accross the floor.

He had already flattened the carpet.

"Ash, calm down. We might have to pay for that carpet you know," Ami joked.

She, Pikachu, and Togepi sat together while Ash stood waiting for the gate to open.

"Ha ha, very fun...." Ash stopped himself. The gates slowly opened. People began to flood out of the. There was no

sign of Misty. Then, out of the crowd, came Misty rushing toward him. She hugged him tight and clung onto him. The

last thing he could remember her saying was:

"I will marry no one else. Yes."

Pika's Prints:

And another point for Ash. Well, read on people. If you haven't read Misty's story yet do it now.


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